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Automatic Offloading of Cluster Accelerators

The sheer amount of computing resources required to run modern cloud workloads has put a lot of pressure on the design of power efficient cluster nodes. To address this problem, Intel (HARP) and Microsoft (Catapult) have proposed CPU-FPGA integrated architectures that can deliver efficient power performance executions. Unfortunately, the integration of FPGA acceleration modules to software is a challenging endeavour that does not have a seamless programming model. This paper proposes HardCloud (, an extension of the OpenMP 4.X standard that eases the task of offloading FPGA modules to cluster accelerators.

Ceissler, Ciro, Ramon Nepomuceno, Marcio Pereira, and Guido Araujo. “Automatic Offloading of Cluster Accelerators.” In 2018 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), pp. 224-224. IEEE, 2018.


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