CCES Unicamp

Stress-based structural topology optimization for design-dependent loads problems using the BESO method.

Date: Nov 23, 2021.

Candidate: Gisele Lucas Garcez


Prof. Dr. Renato Pavanello
Stress is one of the main criteria for structural designs and the development of reliable algorithms considering design-dependent loads has become important in several engineering projects. Essentially, design-dependent loads in topological optimization are those that can vary in intensity, direction and location during the optimization process. According to their nature, design-dependent loads can be classified into two categories: surface loads and body loads. This work aims to propose an approach for stress-based topology optimization of continuous elastic bi-dimensional structures under design-dependent loads using the Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) method. The topology optimization is developed through the minimization of P-norm von Mises stress while the volume constraint is satisfied. To implement the algorithm, a consistent sensitivity analysis including design-dependent loads has been developed by the adjoint method. A series of benchmark tests have been performed to explore and validate the method through several numerical examples. Comparison between traditional compliance minimization and Pnorm of von Mises stress minimization analyses, including design-dependent loads, shows that the method is an effective way to reduce the maximum von Mises stress value.

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