BioNetComp: a Python package for biological network development and comparisoncces ccesMaio 31, 2021Maio 31, 202103384BioNetComp compares two biologial networks from a list of genes/proteins. It provides both an easy-to-use...
DNN-ROM: a software to construct reduced order models and fluid flowscces ccesAbril 16, 2019Maio 2, 2019Abril 16, 2019Maio 2, 201903630...
dCCIforLAMMPS: dynamical Clausius-Clapeyron integration using LAMMPScces ccesOutubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 20220713This repository contains a set of source codes and input scripts that allows to perform...
MassCCS: Massive Collision Cross Section calculations for large macromolecular assembliescces ccesMaio 29, 2023Maio 29, 2023Maio 29, 2023Maio 29, 202301039This repository contains a set of source codes and input scripts that allows to perform...
ComplexMixtures.jl: A package to study the structure of solutions formed by solutes and solvents of complex molecular shapes.cces ccesMaio 31, 2021Maio 31, 2021Maio 31, 2021Maio 31, 202101998ComplexMixtures is a Julia package to study the solute and solvent interactions of mixtures of...
TMFree: A Compiler Mechanism to Elide Unnecessary Barriers in Transactional Memory Codecces ccesOutubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 20220756TMFree is a compiler mechanism implemented in LLVM that allows programmers to precisely identify and...
PGA: a Polyploid Gene Assemblercces ccesAbril 4, 2019Janeiro 28, 2020Abril 4, 2019Janeiro 28, 202002788PGA was developed using PERL scripts for running in Linux system and integrates various software...
FluidFreeEnergyforLAMMPS: Nonequilibrium Free-Energy Calculations of Fluids using LAMMPScces ccesMaio 31, 2021Maio 31, 2021Maio 31, 2021Maio 31, 202103462Scripts that allows to perform nonequilibrium free-energy calculations of fluid-phase systems using LAMMPS code. Details...
OmpCloud: Programming Cloud Clusters with OpenMPcces ccesNovembro 1, 2019Novembro 1, 2019Novembro 1, 2019Novembro 1, 201901466OmpCloud is a toolset that allows you to use the cloud as an OpenMP offloading...
LovoAlign: General molecular structural alignment packageLeandro MartinezDezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 2018Dezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 201802009LovoAlign is a new protein structural alignment package. The methods used for structural alignment are...
CellListMap.jl: Efficient and customizable cell list implementation for calculation of pairwise particle properties within a cutoffcces ccesJunho 23, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Junho 23, 2022Outubro 21, 20220845L. Martínez, CellListMap.jl: Efficient and customizable cell list implementation for calculation of pairwise particle properties...
Packmol: A package to build initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulationsLeandro MartinezDezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 2018Dezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 201805177PACKMOL creates an initial point for molecular dynamics simulations by packing molecules in defined regions...
IIS – Integrated Interactome Systemcces ccesAbril 4, 2019Abril 8, 2019Abril 4, 2019Abril 8, 201901926A Web-Based Platform for the Annotation, Analysis and Visualization of Protein-Metabolite-Gene-Drug Interactions by Integrating a...
High Performance Collision Cross Section Calculation – HPCCSLeandro MartinezDezembro 9, 2018Dezembro 10, 2018Dezembro 9, 2018Dezembro 10, 201802348High Performance Collision Cross Section Calculation – HPCCS The High Performance Collision Cross Section (HPCCS)...
Cellulose-builder: a toolkit for building crystalline structures of celluloseLeandro MartinezDezembro 9, 2018Abril 1, 2019Dezembro 9, 2018Abril 1, 201909585Cellulose-builder is a user-friendly program that builds crystalline structures of cellulose of different sizes and...
KernelFaRer: Replacing Native-Code Idioms with High-Performance Library Callscces ccesOutubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 2022Outubro 21, 20220779N-body simulations and trajectory analysis rely on the calculation of attributes that depend on KernelFaRer...
TopoLink: A package to evaluate structural models using chemical crosslinking distance constraints.Leandro MartinezDezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 2018Dezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 201801823TOPOLINK is a package to compute topological distances between atoms on the surface of proteins...
PeNTIOS: a package for Petri Net simulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiaecces ccesAbril 4, 2019Abril 8, 2019Abril 4, 2019Abril 8, 201901372...
MDLovoFit: Automatic identification of mobile and rigid substructure in protein dynamicsLeandro MartinezDezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 2018Dezembro 8, 2018Dezembro 10, 201801997MDLovoFit is a package for the analysis of the mobility and structural fluctuation in Molecular...