CCES Unicamp

The Portage Network for Research Data Management in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities


Auditório Principal do Instituto de Computação, Prédio IC- 3

Event Date:

Friday, September 21, 2018
O CEPID CCES, em parceria com o Instituto de Computação, promove um seminário sobre Dados Abertos, no dia 21/9, das 14 às 16h. Este seminário faz parte da série de eventos do CCES dedicados a boas praticas na gestao de dados de pesquisa, sendo aberto a todos os interessados no assunto. Palestrante – Lee Wilson, Gerente de Servicos do Portage Network, Canada.
The Portage Network for Research Data Management in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities

About the Seminar: this presentation will give an introduction to the Portage Network, an initiative of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) with the goal of building research data management (RDM) capacity in Canada through a network of experts in a growing community of practice. The story of Portage is one of successes, challenges, and hope. As Canada’s national, library-based research data management network, the goal of Portage is to coordinate and expand existing expertise, services, and infrastructure in support of academic researchers across Canada. The session will focus on the importance of data management and progress made by the Portage Network in finding solutions to practical challenges researchers and institutions face in meeting journal and funding-agency requirements. Specifically, we will describe the strides Portage has made in responding to the three pillars of the emerging Canadian Tri-Agency, which represents the three major Canadian federal research funding agencies, Research Data Management Policy, and how Portage continues to innovate and contribute to the RDM ecosystem on both practical and policy fronts.


About the lecturer: Lee Wilson is the Service Manager for Portage, a national, library-based network that builds capacity and coordinates Research Data Management (RDM) activities in Canada. He is on secondment from ACENET, where he works as a Research Consultant specializing in RDM. Through this role, Lee manages RDM service delivery across Canada both directly and through partnerships with other organizations, including national advanced research computing providers. He also oversees the operations of the Federated Research Data Repository, an access and discovery portal for Canadian research data. Prior to taking on this position, Lee worked with the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) network’s Data Management team, solving issues related to the storage, discovery, and accessibility of ocean data. Lee holds a Master of Library and Information Studies degree (Dalhousie University) and a BA in English (Mount Allison University).

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