Lucas Miguel de Carvalho received honorable mention in Systems Biology and Simulation X-meeting 2023.cces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 20241435A new multidimensional systems biology analysis to predict xylose-fermenting yeast strain differences under 2G ethanol...Read more
Gustavo Leite received the Best Poster Award Latin America HPC Conference (CARLA’22)cces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 20241409A distributed linear algebra library using the OpenMP Cluster programming model....Read more
Analysis of protein-protein interaction and weighted co-expression networks revealed key modules and genes in multiple organs of Agave sisalanacces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024883Agave plants are well-known for their drought resilience and commercial applications. Among them, Agave sisalana...Read more
Ion-Molecule Collision Cross-Section Simulation using Linked-cell and Trajectory Parallelizationcces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024905Ion Mobility coupled to Mass Spectrometry (IM- MS) has become a highly valued tool for...Read more
MassCCS: A High-Performance Collision Cross-Section Software for Large Macromolecular Assembliescces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024970Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) techniques have become highly valued as a tool for structural...Read more
Dislocation-position fluctuations in solid 4He as collective variables in a quantum crystalcces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024579Quantum behavior at mesoscopic length scales is of significant interest, both from a fundamental-physics standpoint,...Read more
Absence of Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in hcp 4-He Dislocation Corescces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024603The mass transport properties along dislocation cores in hcp 4-He are revisited by considering two...Read more
The Role of the Extrafibrillar Volume on the Mechanical Properties of Molecular Models of Mineralized Bone Microfibrilscces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024536Bones are responsible for body support, structure, motion, and several other functions that enable and...Read more
Improving Phased Transactional Memory via Commit Throughput and Capacity Estimationcces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024548Transactional Memory (TM) is a programming abstraction that aims to ease parallel programming in shared-memory...Read more
Accelerating Graph Applications Using Phased Transactional Memorycces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024608Due to their fine-grained operations and low conflict rates, graph processing algorithms expose a large...Read more
Containers in HPC: a surveycces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024599OS-level virtualization (containers) has become a popular alternative to hypervisor-based virtualization. From a system-administration point-of-view,...Read more
Ethanol production process driving changes on industrial strainscces ccesMaio 21, 2024Maio 21, 2024622Ethanol production has key differences between the two largest producing countries of this biofuel, Brazil...Read more