CCES Unicamp

Renato Pavanello

Renato Pavanello received the S.B. in mechanical engineering from Federal University of Bahia in 1982, the M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from State University of Campinas in 1985, and the Dr. degree in Mechanicsin 1991 from the INSA de Lyon, Lyon, France. His thesis included work on the finite element analysis of fluid-structure interaction for cyclic symmetric domains. He is presently Professor at the Computational Mechanics Department, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas. His current principal research activities are the development of numerical models for computational solid mechanics and topology optimization of coupled multi-physics and multi-scale systems. To date he has been advisor for 36 master´s dissertations and 08 doctoral theses, and has published more than 150 works, including articles in indexed journals, complete articles in the proceedings of international and Brazilian conferences, and chapters in books.


Research areas: Numerical modeling and topology optimization of coupled multi-physics and multi-scale systems.


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