CCES Unicamp

Post-Doctoral position: Dynamics and reaction mechanisms of carbohydrate-active enzymes

The Center for Computing in Engineering and Sciences (CCES) at the State University of São Paulo (UNICAMP) in Brazil seeks to fill two post-doctoral positions in the area of molecular dynamics of proteins. Selected candidates will work in classical and hybrid molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the structure, dynamics and reaction mechanisms of carbohydrate-active enzymes.

CCES is one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) in São Paulo state with support from FAPESP, the São Paulo Research Foundation. The Center is hosted by UNICAMP’s Institute of Chemistry (IQ).

Systems of interest are the deconstruction of lignocellulosic materials and enzymes relevant to the human gut microbiome. Candidates must have a doctorate in chemistry, physics, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, food sciences or a related field. A solid background in protein molecular dynamics simulations is mandatory.

The scholarships, in the amount of BRL 9,047.40 per month. The benefits include a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the scholarship, to be spent directly on search activity.

Applications must be sent to (subject: “Postdoctoral Position 2023”) by August 31, 2023, accompanied by:

• A one-page statement of interest;

• Two names and e-mails for reference;

• A short CV (3 pages), with links to Google Scholar or ORCID profiles.



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