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Multiscale dynamic transition of 2D metallic materials using the boundary element method

In this paper, a multiscale dynamic transition is analyzed for metallic materials. The boundary element method(BEM) is used in order to model macro and micro domains, being considered isotropic and anisotropic properties respectively. To connect both scales, a displacement field is obtained from the macroscale, and it is imposed to a micro domain. Thus, assuming polycrystalline structures at a lower level, the dynamic response is found. The transient analysis is implemented by the dual reciprocity method (DRM) to evaluate the non-linear and time-dependent problem. Furthermore, the Houbolt algorithm is applied to solve the time integration scheme. Finally,numerical examples are presented demonstrating the validation of the dynamic transition between the macro and micro scales.

Alvarez, J.E., Galvis, A.F., Sollero, P. Multiscale dynamic transition of 2D metallic materials using the boundary element method. Computational Meterials Science 155, pp. 383-392, 2018.

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