CCES Unicamp

Martin Tygel

Martin Tygel | Research

Martin Tygel received his B.Sc in physics from Rio de Janeiro State University in 1969, his M.Sc. in 1976 and PhD in 1979 from Stanford University, both in Mathematics. He was a visiting professor at the Federal University of Bahia (PPPG/UFBa), Brazil, from 1981 to 1983 and at the Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe University, Germany, in 1990. In 1984, he joined Campinas State University (UNICAMP) as an associate professor and since 1992 as a full professor in Applied Mathematics. Professor Tygel has been an Alexander von Humboldt fellow from 1985 to 1987. In that period, he conducted research at the German Geological Survey (BGR) in Hannover. From 1995 to 1999, he was the president of the Brazilian Society of Applied Mathematics (SBMAC). In 2002, he received EAGE’s Conrad Schlumberger Award, and in 2007 the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Brazilian Geophysical Society (SBGf). Finally, Tygel received the Zeferino Vaz Award for Academic Achievement in 1995 and 2003. Tygel’s research interests are in seismic processing, imaging and inversion. Emphasis is aimed on methods and algorithms that have a sound wave-theoretical basis and also find significant practical application. These include, for example, the unified approach of seismic reflection imaging (problem-specific combinations of true-amplitude migration and demigration) and, more recently, data-driven seismic imaging approaches such as the Common Refection Surface (CRS) method. Prof. Tygel is a member of the São Paulo State Academy of Sciences, as well as the scientific societies SEG, EAGE, SBGf, and SBMAC.


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