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Crea-SP awards PhD student Heitor Nigro Lopes from Center for Computing in Engineering & Sciences (CCES)

On the 4th of July, CREA-SP (Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Estado de São Paulo) has held the 22nd edition of Prêmio CREA-SP de Formação Profissional, awarding recently graduated students from engineering and technology courses of 2018 who stood out in their class. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering indicated its student Heitor Nigro Lopes (the fourth from the left in the picture) given his excellent performance, obtaining the highest average grade from his class. Heitor has recently joined the Center for Computing in Engineering & Sciences (CCES) as a direct PhD student, currently working at the project: Maximization of natural frequencies and frequency gaps of continuum structures by an evolutionary topology optimization method.

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