CCES Unicamp

CCES stories: William Martins Vicente

I work with computational analysis of systems related to agricultural engineering. The research line includes the creation of representative computer models of urban trees in order to analyze falling risks, computational simulation of irrigators/agricultural drippers, computational modeling of glued laminated timber structures, structural topology optimization of subsoilers and agricultural implements in general.

During my postdoctoral studies at the School of Mechanical Engineering at UNICAMP with FAPESP scholarship and under the supervision of Professor Renato Pavanello I had the opportunity to participate in the CCES, 2014-2017.The research done was in the area of topological optimization of multiphysics systems and included a sandwich stay at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology – RMIT (BEPE scholarship). I participated and presented papers in two workshops held by CCES, 2015 and 2016. The participation in CCES provided the interaction with researchers who performed high performance computer simulations in different areas of knowledge such as biology, chemistry, etc. The contact with this multidisciplinarity of CCES contributed a lot to broaden my horizon of potential research lines to pursue. With the end of the post-doc, the big change from Mechanical Engineering to Agricultural Engineering was no doubt facilitated by the previous participation in a multidisciplinary research center.

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