Center for Computing in Engineering & Sciences (CCES) (2013-2021)
Label / Group:
CNPq scholarship:
Analysis Period:
Great area:
Google Acadêmico
Bibliographic production
Complete articles published in periodicals
Published / Organized Books or Issues
Book chapters published
Texts in Journals / Magazines
Complete papers published in conference proceedings
Expanded abstracts published in conference proceedings
Abstracts published in proceedings of conferences
Articles accepted for publication
Other types of bibliographic production
Technical production
Computer programs with patent registration
Computer programs without patent registration
Technological products
Processes or techniques
Technical work
Other types of technical production
Artistic production
Total de Artistic production
Academic advisory - current
Postdoctoral supervision
Doctoral theses
Master dissertations
Completion / Specialization Course Monograph
Final graduation project
Undergraduate research projects
Other types of advisory activities
Academic advisory - current
Postdoctoral supervision
Doctoral theses
Master dissertations
Completion / Specialization Course Monograph
Final graduation project
Undergraduate research projects
Other types of advisory activities
Research projects
Awards and titles
Total Awards and titles
Participation in events
Total Participation in events
Event organization
Total Event organization
Colaborations list
Endogenous collaborations
Bibliographic production
Complete articles published in periodicals
Published / Organized Books or Issues
Book chapters published
Texts in Journals / Magazines
Complete papers published in conference proceedings
Expanded abstracts published in conference proceedings
Abstracts published in proceedings of conferences
Articles accepted for publication
Other types of bibliographic production
Technical production
Computer programs with patent registration
Computer programs without patent registration
Technological products
Processes or techniques
Technical work
Other types of technical production
Artistic production
Total de Artistic production
Academic advisory - current
Postdoctoral supervision
Doctoral theses
Master dissertations
Completion / Specialization Course Monograph
Final graduation project
Undergraduate research projects
Other types of advisory activities
Academic advisory - concluded
Postdoctoral supervision
Doctoral theses
Master dissertations
Completion / Specialization Course Monograph
Final graduation project
Undergraduate research projects
Other types of advisory activities
Research Projects
Awards and titles
Total Awards and titles
Participation in events
Total Participation in events
Event organization
Total Event organization
Lista de colaborações
Endogenous collaborations
(*) Report production created from 2013 to 2021
Processing Date: 07/03/2022 03:00:03